Saturday 21 June 2008


Artist: Mantler




   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10

Although he studied classical pianoforte for age, it wasn't until his tardy 20s that Chris A. Cummings began recording his neo soul pop up under the make Mantler. After sledding to film school and becoming a DJ, he linked an instrumental band in 1994, playing electric piano. Following its detachment a year by and by, he went solo, first gear tributary 2 songs on a compilation from Toronto dance label Play. In 2000, Mantler's first full-length, Doin' It All, was released on jazz label Le Systeme. Two years after, after moving to Tomlab, he released Sadisfaction. Landau followed in summer 2004. Aside from his recordings, Mantler has likewise been running with the Canadia dell'Arte Theatre in Toronto since 1998.

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